8-Port Serial (232/422/485) Communication PXI Module
Main Features
外部接口部分与PXI 总线部分电磁隔离
8 路RS-422/485/232 通道
波特率、数据位长度、停止位长度(1 或2 位停止位)、奇偶校验方式可设
RS422、RS485 最高支持921.6 Kbps 的波特率;RS232 最高支持115, 200 bps 的波特率
所有通道均采用光电隔离,±15 KV 浪涌保护;
120 欧姆终端电阻匹配
JYTEK PXI-93518 is an eight ports serial communication module, compatible with RS-422, RS-485 and RS-232 standards, with fast transient voltage suppression protection circuit. This protector can effectively suppress lightning and ESD, provide 600W lightning surge protection power for each line, as well as surge voltage and transient overvoltage generated on the line for various reasons, and the very small inter pole capacitance ensures the high-speed transmission of RS-422 / RS-485 / RS-232 interface.
PXI-93518 (PN: ZK2138016-01) | 8-Port Serial (232/422/485) Communication PXI Module
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