Class | Function Group | Public Symbol | Public Classs, Method, Property etc | Type | 中文注释 | English Notation |
AI | AITask | JYPXIeHardwareAITask | JYPXIeHardwareAITask(int slotNum) | Constructor | 构造函数。用来构造一个AI任务对象,slotNum板卡槽位号。硬件的唯一标志。 | Constructor. Used to create an AI task object. |
AI | AITask | AddChannel | AddChannel(int[] chnsId,double[] rangeLow,double[] rangeHigh,terminal,coupling,enableIEPE) | Method | 添加一个通道组。参数chnsID:一组通道物理序号; rangeLow:一组通道量程下限; rangeHigh:一组通道量程上限; terminal:端口输入模式配置,RSE/NRSE/Differential/Preudodifferential;coupling耦合:由enum AC/DC 硬件选; enableIEPE:True/False启用/禁用IEPE激励。 | Add a group of channels. Parameters chnsID:a group of channel physical numbers; rangeLow:Lower range limit for a group of channels; rangeHigh:Higher range limit for a group of channels; terminal: terminal input mode configuration;coupling: enum AC/DC hardware specific; enableIEPE:True/false to enable or disable IEPE excitation, hardware specific. |
AI | AITask | AddChannel Reload | AddChannel(int[] chnsId,double rangeLow,double rangeHigh,terminal,coupling,enableIEPE) | Method | 添加一个通道组。参数chnsID:一组通道物理序号; rangeLow:公用通道量程下限; rangeHigh:公用通道量程上限; terminal:端口输入模式配置,RSE/NRSE/Differential/Preudodifferential;coupling耦合:由enum AC/DC 硬件选; enableIEPE:True/False启用/禁用IEPE激励。 | Add a group of channels. Parameters chnsID:a group of channel physical numbers; rangeLow:common lower range limit for the group; rangeHigh: common higher range limit for the group; terminal: terminal input mode configuration;coupling: enum AC/DC hardware specific; enableIEPE:True/false to enable or disable IEPE excitation, hardware specific. |
AI | AITask | AddChannel Reload | AddChannel(int chnId,double rangeLow,double rangeHigh,terminal,coupling,enableIEPE) | Method | 添加一个通道。参数chnID:一个通道物理序号; rangeLow:通道量程下限; rangeHigh:通道量程上限; terminal:端口输入模式配置,RSE/NRSE/Differential/Preudodifferential;coupling耦合:由enum AC/DC 硬件选; enableIEPE:True/False启用/禁用IEPE激励。 | Add one channel. Parameters chnID: channel's physical number; rangeLow: lower range limit for the channel; rangeHigh: higher range limit for the channel; terminal: terminal input mode configuration;coupling: enum AC/DC hardware specific; enableIEPE:True/false to enable or disable IEPE excitation, hardware specific. |
AI | AITask | GetRecordPreviewData | GetRecordPreviewData(ref double[,] buf, int samplesPerChannel, int timeout) | Method | 获取流盘时预览的二维数据,每一列代表一个通道。参数 buf:用户定义返回数据的缓冲区; samplesPerChannel:每通道要预览的数据;timeout:超时时间,单位ms,-1为持续等待直至完成。 | Preview two dimentional data when streaming is in progress. Each column represents one channel. Parameters buf: user specified buffer for preview data; samplesPerChannel: number of preview samples per channel; timeout: timeout in mS before generating error message, timeout =-1 keep waiting until finish. |
AI | AITask | GetRecordPreviewData Reload | GetRecordPreviewData(ref double[,] buf, int timeout = -1) | Method | 获取流盘时预览的二维数据,每一列代表一个通道,每一通道的数据个数是由缓冲区大小来计算的。参数 buf:用户定义返回数据的缓冲区; samplesPerChannel:每通道要预览的数据;timeout:超时时间,单位ms,-1为持续等待直至完成。 | Preview two dimentional data when streaming is in progress. Each column represents one channel. Samples per channel is caculated from the buffer size. Parameters buf: user specified buffer for preview data; samplesPerChannel: number of preview samples per channel; timeout: timeout in mS before generating error message, timeout =-1 keep waiting until finish. |
AI | AITask | GetRecordPreviewData Reload | GetRecordPreviewData(ref double[] buf, int samplesPerChannel, int timeout) | Method | 获取流盘时预览的单通道数据。参数 buf:用户定义返回数据的缓冲区; samplesPerChannel:每通道要预览的数据;timeout:超时时间,单位ms,-1为持续等待直至完成。 | Preview one channel data when streaming is in progress. Parameters buf: user specified buffer for preview data; samplesPerChannel: number of preview samples per channel; timeout: timeout in mS before generating error message, timeout =-1 keep waiting until finish. |
AI | AITask | GetRecordPreviewData Reload | GetRecordPreviewData(ref double[] buf, int timeout = -1) | Method | 获取流盘时预览的单通道数据,通道的数据个数是由缓冲区大小来计算的。参数 buf:用户定义返回数据的缓冲区; timeout:超时时间,单位ms,-1为持续等待直至完成。 | Preview one channel data when streaming is in progress. Samples per channel is caculated from the buffer size. Parameters buf: user specified buffer for preview data; timeout: timeout in mS before generating error message, timeout =-2 keep waiting unti |
AI | AITask | GetRecordStatus | GetRecordStatus(out double recordedLength, out bool recordDone) | Method | 获取预览状态。参数recordedLength:已流盘的长度; recordDone:流盘是否结束。 | Get the streaming status.Parameters recordLength:Length of the streamed. recordDone = false :streaming is not over.recordDone = true :streaming is over. |
AI | AITask | ReadData | ReadData(ref double[,] buf, int samplesPerChannel, int timeout) | Method | 按列读取采集到的多通道数据,存入缓冲区,一列代表一个通道的数据。参数 buf:缓冲区;samplesPerChannel:每通道读取的数据;timeout mS 最长等待时间,-1持续等待直至完成。 | Read the multi-channel data by columns and store it in a data buffer. Each channel is represented by one column of data. Parameters buf:data buffer;samplesPerChannel:number of samples per channel; timeout: timeout in mS before generating error message, timeout =-1 keep waiting until finish. |
AI | AITask | ReadData Reload | ReadData(ref double[,] buf, int timeout) | Method | 按列读取采集到的多通道数据,存入缓冲区,一列代表一个通道的数据,每通道的数据个数samplesPerChannel是根据缓冲区大小算出来的。参数 buf:缓冲区;timeout mS 最长等待时间,-1持续等待直至完成。 | Read the multi-channel data by columns and store it in a data buffer. Each channel is represented by one column of data. samplePerChannel is computed by the buffer size. Parameters buf:data buffer;timeout: timeout in mS before generating error message, timeout =-1 keep waiting until finish. |
AI | AITask | ReadData Reload | ReadData(ref double[] buf, int samplesPerChannel, int timeout) | Method | 读取采集到的单通道数据,存入缓冲区。参数 buf:缓冲区;timeout mS 最长等待时间,-1持续等待直至完成。 | Read the one channel data and store it in a data buffer. Parameters buf:data buffer;samplesPerChannel:number of samples per channel; timeout: timeout in mS before generating error message, timeout =-1 keep waiting until finish. |
AI | AITask | ReadData Reload | ReadData(ref double[] buf, int timeout) | Method | 读取采集到的单通道数据,存入缓冲区。单通道点数由缓冲区长度计算。参数 buf:缓冲区;timeout mS 最长等待时间,-1持续等待直至完成。 | Read One channel data and store it in a data buffer. samplePerChannel is computed by the buffer size. Parameters buf:data buffer;timeout: timeout in mS before generating error message, timeout =-1 keep waiting until finish. |
AI | AITask | ReadData Reload | ReadData(IntPtr buf, int samplesPerChannel, int timeout) | Method | 读取采集到的单一或多通道电压值,存入缓冲区。缓冲区由C#数据类型IntPtr所指。参数 buf:指向缓冲区的指针;samplesPerChannel:每通道读取的数据;timeout mS 最长等待时间,-1持续等待直至完成。。只适用于一些特殊场合如与其它软件配合时使用。 | Read one or multi-channel data by columns and store it in a data buffer. The buffer is pointed by C# data type IntPtr. Parameters buf:data buffer;samplesPerChannel:number of samples per channel; timeout: timeout in mS before generating error message, timeout =-1 keep waiting until finish. Only used for very special occations such as interface with other software. |
AI | AITask | ReadRawData | ReadRawData(ref int[,] buf, int samplesPerChannel, int timeout) | Method | 按列读取采集到多通道的原始数据,存入缓冲区,一列代表一个通道的数据,每通道的数据个数samplesPerChannel是根据缓冲区大小算出来的。参数 buf:缓冲区;timeout mS 最长等待时间,-1持续等待直至完成。 | Read the multi-channel raw data by columns and store it in a data buffer. Each channel is represented by one column of data. Parameters buf:data buffer;timeout: samplesPerChannel:number of samples per channel; timeout in mS before generating error message, timeout =-1 keep waiting until finish. |
AI | AITask | ReadRawData Reload | ReadRawData(ref int[,] buf, int timeout) | Method | 按列读取采集到的多通道原始数据,存入缓冲区,一列代表一个通道的数据,每通道的数据个数samplesPerChannel是根据缓冲区大小算出来的。参数 buf:缓冲区;timeout mS 最长等待时间,-1持续等待直至完成。 | Read the multi-channel raw data by columns and store it in a data buffer. Each channel is represented by one column of data. samplePerChannel is computed by the buffer size. Parameters buf:data buffer;timeout: timeout in mS before generating error message, timeout =-1 keep waiting until finish. |
AI | AITask | ReadRawData Reload | ReadRawData(ref int[] buf, int samplesPerChannel, int timeout) | Method | 读取采集到的单通道原始数据,存入缓冲区。参数 buf:缓冲区;samplesPerChannel:每通道读取的数据;timeout mS 最长等待时间,-1持续等待直至完成。 | Read the one channel raw data and store it in a data buffer. Parameters buf:data buffer;samplesPerChannel:number of samples per channel; timeout: timeout in mS before generating error message, timeout =-1 keep waiting until finish. |
AI | AITask | ReadRawData Reload | ReadRawData(ref int[] buf, int timeout) | Method | 读取采集到的单通道原始数据,存入缓冲区。单通道点数由缓冲区长度计算。参数 buf:缓冲区;timeout mS 最长等待时间,-1持续等待直至完成。 | Read One channel raw data and store it in a data buffer. samplePerChannel is computed by the buffer size. Parameters buf:data buffer;timeout: timeout in mS before generating error message, timeout =-1 keep waiting until finish. |
AI | AITask | ReadRawData Reload | ReadRawData(IntPtr buf, int samplesPerChannel, int timeout) | Method | 读取单一或多通道的原始数据,缓冲区由C#数据类型IntPtr所指。参数 buf:指向缓冲区的指针。只适用于一些特殊场合如与其它软件配合时使用。 | Read one or multi-channel raw data by columns and store it in a data buffer. The buffer is pointed by C# data type IntPtr. Parameters buf:data buffer;timeout: timeout in mS before generating error message, timeout =-1 keep waiting until finish. Only used for very special occations such as interface with other software. |
AI | AITask | DetectOpenThermocouple | DetectOpenThermocouple(BurnoutCurrentValue currentValue) | Method | 开路检测 | Perform open thermocouple detection (OTD) to determine if there are any enabled channels do not have a thermocouple connectecd to the modul |
AI | AITask | SetCJTemperature | SetCJTemperature(int chnId, double temperature) | Method | 设置指定通道冷端补偿温度 | Set cold junction (reference junction) temperature with a specified channel |
AI | AITask | SetCJTemperature Reload | SetCJTemperature(double[] temperature) | Method | 设置所有通道冷端补偿温度 | Set cold junction (reference junction) temperature to all channels that has been added |
AI | AITask | ReadSinglePoint | ReadSinglePoint(ref double[] buffer) | Method | 非缓冲式读取每个通道的一个样点。参数 buf: 读取的电压值。缓冲区必须大于通道数。 | Read one sample for all channels in unbuffered reading. Parameter buf: values read. Buffer size >= number of channels. |
AI | AITask | ReadSinglePoint Reload | ReadSinglePoint(ref double readValue, int channel) | Method | 非缓冲式读取指定通道的一个样点。参数 readValue: 读取的电压值;channel:指定的通道。 | Read one sample for specified channel in unbuffered reading. Parameters readValue: value read; channel:specified channel numbers. |
AI | AITask | RemoveChannel | RemoveChannel(int chnId) | Method | 删除指定通道号的通道,为-1则删除所有通道。参数:chnID:通道号。 | Delete the channel with the specified channel number. If it is -1, delete all channels. Parameter chnID:specified channel ID. |
AI | AITask | SendSoftwareTrigger | SendSoftwareTrigger() | Method | 产生一个软件触发信号。 | Generate a software trigger. |
AI | AITask | WaitUntilDone | WaitUntilDone(timeout=-1) | Method | 等待当前任务完成。参数 timeOut: timeOut=整数N,等待N毫秒,如果没有完成,报错,timeOut=-1, 等待直至完成。 | Waiting until current task to complete. Parameter timeout = -1, wait until done, other positive number N, wait N mS. If not done, a timeout error generate. |
AI | AITask | Start | Start() | Method | 启动AI任务 | Start AI task |
AI | AITask | Stop | Stop() | Method | 停止AI任务 | Stop AI task |
AI | AITask | AvailableSamples | AvailableSamples | Property | 缓冲区内可以读取的每通道点数 | Number of points per channel that can be read in the buffer |
AI | AITask | Advanced | Advanced | Property | 高级属性 | Advanced properties |
AI | AITask | BufLenInSamples | BufLenInSamples | Property | 缓冲区最大能容纳的每通道点数 | The maximum number of points per channel that the buffer can hold |
AI | AITask | Channels | Channels | Property | 通道列表,通道数随硬件变化。 | List of channels. Number of channels varies with hardware. |
AI | AITask | ClockSource | ClockSource | Property | 时钟源属性。enum External/Internal。 | Clock edge. enum Rising/Falling. |
AI | AITask | ClockEdge | ClockEdge | Property | 时钟边沿属性。enum Rising/Falling。 | Clock Source. enum External/Internal. |
AI | AITask | DisbaleCalibration | DisbaleCalibration | Property | 禁用校准系数 | Disalble calibration. |
AI | AITask | Mode | Mode | Property | AI采集模式:单点采样,连续,有限点采样,流盘。enum Single/Finite/Continuous/Record | AI acquisition mode:enum Single/Finite/Continuous/Record. |
AI | AITask | SampleClock | SampleClock | Property | 采样时钟配置。 | Sample Clock |
AI | AITask | SignalExport | SignalExport | Property | 信号路由 | Signal routing |
AI | AITask | AISync | Sync | Property | 同步参数配置 | Sync configuration |
AI | AITask | SampleRate | SampleRate | Property | 每通道采样率 | Sampling rate per channel. |
AI | AITask | SamplesToAcquire | SamplesToAcquire | Property | 有限点采集模式下每通道需要读取的采样点数 | Number of sampling points to be read per channel in Finite mode only. |
AI | AITask | Record | Record | Property | 流盘相关参数设置 | Data streaming related parameter settings |
AI | AITask | Trigger | Trigger | Property | 触发属性。由AITrigger()配置。 | AI trigger property configured by AI Trigger(). |
AI | AITask | JYXXDevice | Device | Property | 设备属性配置 | Device property set |
AI | AITask | BuildInCJCEnabled | BuildInCJCEnabled | Property | 冷端补偿使能 | Build-in cold junction compensation enabled. |
AI | AITask | AITimingMode | TimingMode | Property | 时钟等级模式 | Timing mode, can be set to automatic, or manually selected as level 0 to level 5. |
AI | AITask | AIChannelTopology | ChannelTopology | Property | 通道拓扑结构 | The channel topology currently in use. 2-wire and 3-wire RTD connection is supported in 32-channel mode, and 2-wire, 3-wire, and 4-wire RTD connection is supported in 20-channel mode. |
AI | AIAdvanced | AIAdvanced | AIAdvanced() | Constructor | 构造函数。用来构造AI高级设置 | Constructor to create an advanced AI task object. |
AI | AIAdvanced | AIAdvanced | ConvertRate | Property | AI高级设置:转换速率。默认由系统设置为SampleRate*ChannelCount。用户可以设置更大的扫描速率。这样扫描采集会在一次采样间隔的前期完成,可以降低通道之间采集的间隔时间。 | AI Advanced Setting: ConvertRate,The default is set by the system to SampleRate*ChannelCount. The user can set a higher scan rate. In this way, the scanning collection will be completed in the early period of a sampling interval, which can reduce the collection interval between channels. |
AI | AITrigger | AITrigger | AITrigger() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建AITrigger任务对象。用来构造AI Trigger | Constructor to create an AITrigger task object. Used to build AI Trigger |
AI | AITrigger | AITrigger | Analog | Property | 模拟触发属性。由三个部分组成。1,Condition enum AboveLevel/BelowLeve/RisingHysteresis/FallingHysteresis/EnteringWindow/LeavingWindow。和其它硬件相关; 2,Level enum Level/HighLevel/LowLevel; 3,Source: 硬件相关enum。 | AITrigger Analog has three parts. 1 Condition: enum AboveLevel/BelowLevel/RisingHysteresis/FallingHysteresis/EnteringWindow/LeavingWindow。; 2: Level: enum Level/HighLevel/LowLevel; 3: Source:enum hardware specific. |
AI | AITrigger | AITrigger | Delay | Property | AI触发被延迟了AI timebase Ticks数。 | Number of timebase Ticks delayed before AI triggering. |
AI | AITrigger | AITrigger | Digital | Property | AI数字触发.由三个属性组成。1,Source 由硬件定;2,Edge enum Rising/Falling;3,Gate enum HighActive/LowActive, 高电平/低电平触发。 | AITrigger Digital has three properties. 1: Source, hardware specific; 2: Edge enum Rising/Falling; 3: Gate enum HighActive/LowActive, high and low gate level triggering. |
AI | AITrigger | AITrigger | ReTriggerCount | Property | AI重触发次数。为0时不重复触发,>0时为重复触发次数,为-1时无限重触发。 | Number of repeat triggers. No repeat trigger when 0, or the number of repeated triggers. Infinite trigger when -1. |
AI | AITrigger | AITrigger | Type | Property | AI触发类型。enum Analog/Digital/Immediate/Soft。 | AI trigger type. enum Analog/Digital/Immediate/Soft. |
AI | AITrigger | AITrigger | Mode | Property | AI触发模式。由enum Start/Reference/Pause定。 | AI trigger mode. enum Start/Reference/Pause. |
AI | AITrigger | AITrigger | PreTriggerSamples | Property | AI预触发点数。 | AI pretrigger points. |
AI | AIRecord | AIRecord | AIRecord() | Constructor | 构造函数。用来构造流盘任务任务对象。 | Constructor to create a streaming task object. |
AI | AIRecord | AIRecord | FilePath | Property | 用户输入文件路径 | User specified file path. |
AI | AIRecord | AIRecord | FileFormat | Property | 文件格式.enum BIN。 | Streaming file format. enum BIN. |
AI | AIRecord | AIRecord | Length | Property | 用户指定流盘长度(秒),仅用于有限,Finite,模式。 | User specified stream length in second. Only valid in the Finite mode. |
AI | AIRecord | AIRecord | Mode | Property | 流盘模式。enum Finite/Infinite。 | Two stream mode from enum Finite/Infinite. |
AI | AIChannel | AIChannel | AIChannel() | Constructor | 构造函数,用来创建AIChnParam任务对象。 | Constructor to create an AIChnParam task object. |
AI | AIChannel | AIChannel | ChannelID | Property | 物理通道序号 | AI channel ID. |
AI | AIChannel | AIChannel | RangeHigh | Property | 通道量程上限 | High range limit an AI channel. |
AI | AIChannel | AIChannel | RangeLow | Property | 通道量程下限 | Low range limit an AI channel. |
AI | AIChannel | AIChannel | Terminal | Property | 端口输入模式配置,RSE/NRSE/Differential/Pseudodifferential | Configure AI terminal. Normally RSE/NRSE/Differential/Pseudodifferential. Hardware specific. |
AI | AIChannel | AIChannel | Coupling | Property | 通道耦合方式,AC/DC | Coupling Mode. Normally AC/DC. |
AI | AIChannel | AIChannel | ThemocoupleType | Property | 热电偶类型 | Thermocouple type |
AI | AIChannel | AIChannel | CustomizedCJTemperature | Property | 冷端补偿温度 | Customized cold junction (reference junction) temperature (℃) for compensation |
AI | AIChannel | AIChannel | MaxVoltageRange | Property | 最大电压范围 | Voltage range upper limit in V |
AI | AIChannel | AIChannel | MaxTemperatureRange | Property | 最大温度范围 | Temperature range upper limit(Ω) of the channel. |
AI | AIChannel | AIChannel | MaxResistanceRange | Property | 最大电阻范围 | Resistance range upper limit(Ω) of the channel. |
AI | AIAnalogTrigger | AIAnalogTrigger | AIAnalogTrigger() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建AITrigger任务对象。 | Constructor to create an AITrigger task object. Used to build AI Trigger |
AI | AIAnalogTrigger | AIAnalogTrigger | Comparator | Property | 模拟比较器,enum Edge/Hysteresis/Window | Analog Comparator,enum Edge/Hysteresis/Window |
AI | AIAnalogTrigger | AIAnalogTrigger | Edge | Property | 模拟边沿比较器 | Analog edge comparator |
AI | AIAnalogTrigger | AIAnalogTrigger | Hysteresis | Property | 模拟迟滞比较器 | Analog hysteresis comparator |
AI | AIAnalogTrigger | AIAnalogTrigger | Window | Property | 模拟窗比较器 | Analog window comparator |
AI | AIAnalogTrigger | AIAnalogTrigger | Condition | Property | 设置模拟触发条件。触发值由HighLevel,LowLevel共同决定。enum RisingHysteresis/FallingHysteresis/EnteringWindow/LeavingWindow。RisingHysteresis:触发信号高于HighLevel;FallingHysteresis:触发信号低于LowLevel; EnterWindow: 触发信号进入LowLevel and HighLevel区域; LeavingWindow:触发信号离开LowLevel and HighLevel区域. | Configure analog trigger condition. TriggerValue is determined by properties HighLevel and LowLevel. Enum RisingHysteresis/FallingHysteresis/EnteringWindow/LeavingWindow. RisingHysteresis:triggering when above HighLevel;FallingHysteresis:triggering when below LowLevel; EnterWindow: triggering when the value fall between LowLevel and HighLevel; LeavingWindow:triggering when teh value falls outside LowLevel and HighLevel. |
AI | AIAnalogTrigger | AIAnalogTrigger | Level | Property | 设置电平触发条件。 | Set level triggering value used in Condition triggering. |
AI | AIAnalogTrigger | AIAnalogTrigger | Source | Property | 设置模拟触发源。 | Set analog trigger source |
AI | AIAnalogTrigger | AIAnalogTrigger | HighLevel | Property | 设置高电平触发条件。 | Set high level triggering value used in Condition triggering. |
AI | AIAnalogTrigger | AIAnalogTrigger | LowLevel | Property | 设置低电平触发条件。 | Set low low level triggering value used in Condition triggering. |
AI | AIAnalogTrigger | AIAnalogEdgeComparator | AIAnalogEdgeComparator() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建AIAnalogEdgeComparator任务对象。 | Constructor to create an AITrigger task object. Used to build AIAnalogEdgeComparator |
AI | AIAnalogTrigger | AIAnalogEdgeComparator | Slope | Property | 设置边沿触发条件enum rising/falling | Config Edge trigger condition, enum rising/falling |
AI | AIAnalogTrigger | AIAnalogEdgeComparator | Threshold | Property | 设置边沿触发阈值 | Config Edge trigger threshold |
AI | AIAnalogTrigger | AIAnalogHysteresisComparator | AIAnalogHysteresisComparator() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建AIAnalogHysteresisComparator任务对象。 | Constructor to create an AITrigger task object. Used to build AIAnalogHysteresisComparator |
AI | AIAnalogTrigger | AIAnalogHysteresisComparator | Slope | Property | 设置迟滞触发条件enum rising/falling | Config Hysteresis trigger condition, enum rising/falling |
AI | AIAnalogTrigger | AIAnalogHysteresisComparator | HighThreshold | Property | 设置迟滞触发高阈值 | Config Hysteresis trigger high threshold |
AI | AIAnalogTrigger | AIAnalogHysteresisComparator | LowThreshold | Property | 设置迟滞触发低阈值 | Config Hysteresis trigger low threshold |
AI | AIAnalogTrigger | AIAnalogWindowComparator | AIAnalogWindowComparator() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建AIAnalogWindowComparator任务对象。 | Constructor to create an AITrigger task object. Used to build AIAnalogWindowComparator |
AI | AIAnalogTrigger | AIAnalogWindowComparator | Condition | Property | 设置模拟窗触发条件enum EnteringWindow/LeavingWindow | Config Window trigger condition, enum EnteringWindow/LeavingWindow |
AI | AIAnalogTrigger | AIAnalogWindowComparator | HighThreshold | Property | 设置模拟窗触发高阈值 | Config Window trigger high threshold |
AI | AIAnalogTrigger | AIAnalogWindowComparator | LowThreshold | Property | 设置模拟窗触发低阈值 | Config Window trigger low threshold |
AI | AIDigitalTrigger | AIDigitalTrigger | AIDigitalTrigger() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建AIDigitalTrigger任务对象。 | Constructor to create an AITrigger task object. Used to build AI Trigger |
AI | AIDigitalTrigger | AIDigitalTrigger | Edge | Property | 获取或设置数字触发条件。enum Rising/Falling。 | Get or set analog trigger condition.Possible enum AboveLevel/BelowLevel. AboveLevel:triggering above the set level. BelowLevel:triggering below the set level. |
AI | AIDigitalTrigger | AIDigitalTrigger | Source | Property | 获取或设置数字触发源。硬件相关。 | Set triggering source. Hardware spcecific |
AI | AIDigitalTrigger | AIDigitalTrigger | Gate | Property | 设置数字电平触发类型:enum HighActive/LowActive. | Configure digital level trigger type : enum HighActive/LowActive. HighActive: triggering when source is high active; LowActive: triggering when source is low active. |
AI | AISampleClock | AISampleClock | AISampleClock() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建AISampleClock任务对象。 | Constructor to create an AISampleClock object. |
AI | AISampleClock | AISampleClock | Source | Property | 采样时钟源,enum Internal/External | SampleClockSource,enum Internal/External |
AI | AISampleClock | AISampleClock | External | Property | 外部采样时钟 | External Sample Clock |
AI | AIExternalSampleClock | AIExternalSampleClock | AIExternalSampleClock() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建AIExternalSampleClock任务对象。 | Constructor to create an AIExternalSampleClock object. |
AI | AIExternalSampleClock | AIExternalSampleClock | Terminal | Property | 外部时钟输入端口 | External sample clock input terminal |
AI | AIExternalSampleClock | AIExternalSampleClock | ExpectedRate | Property | 外部时钟预期的频率 | External sample clock expected rate |
AI | AISignalExport | AISignalExport | AISignalExport() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建AISignalExport任务对象。 | Constructor to create an AISignalExport object. |
AI | AISignalExport | AISignalExport | Add(AISignalExportSource source, SignalExportDestination destination) | Method | 添加一路信号路由,将源信号路由至一个目的端口 | Add a one signal route, route the source signal to a destination terminal |
AI | AISignalExport | AISignalExport | Add(AISignalExportSource source, List<SignalExportDestination> destinations) | Method | 添加一路信号路由,将源信号路由至多个目的端口 | Add a one signal route, route the source signal to multiple destination terminals |
AI | AISignalExport | AISignalExport | Clear( SignalExportDestination destination) | Method | 删除一路信号路由,将源信号与目的端口断开 | Removes a signal route, disconnecting the source signal from the destination terminal |
AI | AISignalExport | AISignalExport | ClearAll() | Method | 删除所有存在的信号路由 | Delete all existing signal routes |
AI | AISync | AISync | AISync() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建AISync任务对象。 | Constructor to create an AISync object. |
AI | AISync | AISync | Topology | Property | 同步拓扑结构设置 | Sync Topology Configuration |
AI | AISync | AISync | TriggerRouting | Property | 同步触发信号路由 | Sync trigger signal routing terminal |
AI | AISync | AISync | PulseRouting | Property | 同步脉冲信号路由 | Sync pulse signal routing terminal |
AO | AOTask | JYHardwareAOTask | JYHardwareAOTask(int slotNum) | Constructor | 构造函数。用来建立AO任务对象。slotNum板卡槽位号。硬件的唯一标志。 | Constructor. Used to create AO task object. |
AO | AOTask | AddChannel | AddChannel(int[] chnsId, double[] rangeLow, double[] rangeHigh) | Method | 添加多个AO通道 | Add multiple AO channels |
AO | AOTask | AddChannel Reload | AddChannel(int[] chnsId, double rangeLow, double rangeHigh) | Method | 添加多个AO通道 | one or a group of channel physical numbers |
AO | AOTask | AddChannel Reload | AddChannel(int chnId, double rangeLow = -10, double rangeHigh = 10) | Method | 添加单通道(chnId=-1时添加所有通道) | Add a single channel (add all channels when chnId=-1) |
AO | AOTask | RemoveChannel | RemoveChannel(int chnId) | Method | 删除指定通道号的通道,(chnId=-1时删除所有通道) | Delete the channel with the specified channel number. (When chnId=-1, delete all channels) |
AO | AOTask | SendSoftwareTrigger | SendSoftwareTrigger() | Method | 产生一个软件触发信号 | Generate a software trigger. |
AO | AOTask | Start | Start() | Method | 开始 | Start AO Task |
AO | AOTask | Stop | Stop() | Method | 停止 | Stop AO Task |
AO | AOTask | WaitUntilDone | WaitUntilDone(timeout=-1) | Method | 等待当前任务完成。参数 timeOut: timeOut=整数N,等待N毫秒,如果没有完成,报错,timeOut=-1, 等待直至完成。 | Waiting until current task to complete. Parameter timeout = -1, wait until done, other positive number N, wait N mS. If not done, a timeout error generate. |
AO | AOTask | WriteData | WriteData(double[,] buf, int timeout = 10000) | Method | 按列向AO缓冲区写入多通道数据,一列代表一个通道的数据。参数 buf:缓冲区;timeout mS 最长等待时间,-1持续等待直至完成,预置值10000mS。 | WriteData multi-channel data to AO buffer, Each column represents one channel. Parameters. buf:AO buffer for AO data;timeout:timeout in mS, default 10000mS. |
AO | AOTask | WriteData Reload | WriteData(double[] buf, int timeout = 10000) | Method | 按列向AO缓冲区写入单一通道数据。参数 buf:缓冲区;timeout mS 最长等待时间,-1持续等待直至完成,预置值10000mS。 | WriteData to one channel AO buffer.Parameters buf:AO buffer for AO data;timeout:timeout in mS, default 10000mS. |
AO | AOTask | WriteData Reload | WriteData(IntPtr buf, int samplesPerChannel, int timeout = 10000) | Method | 向AO缓冲区写入单一或多通道数值。缓冲区由C#数据类型IntPtr所指。参数 buf:指向缓冲区的指针;samplesPerChannel:每通道写入的数据;timeout mS 最长等待时间,-1持续等待直至完成。。只适用于一些特殊场合如与其它软件配合时使用。 | Write to AO buffer one or multi-channel data. The buffer is pointed by C# data type IntPtr. Parameters buf:data buffer;samplesPerChannel:number of samples per channel; timeout: timeout in mS before generating error message, timeout =-1 keep waiting until finish. Only used for very special occations such as interface with other software. |
AO | AOTask | WriteRawData | WriteRawData(ushort[,] buf, int timeout = 10000) | Method | 按列向AO缓冲区写入多通道原始数据,一列代表一个通道的数据。参数 buf:缓冲区;timeout mS 最长等待时间,-1持续等待直至完成,预置值10000mS。 | WriteData multi-channel raw data to AO buffer, Each column represents one channel. Parameters. buf:AO buffer for AO data;timeout:timeout in mS, default 10000mS. |
AO | AOTask | WriteRawData Reload | WriteRawData(ushort[] buf, int timeout = 10000) | Method | 按列向AO缓冲区写入单一通道数据。参数 buf:缓冲区;timeout mS 最长等待时间,-1持续等待直至完成,预置值10000mS。 | WriteData to one channel AO buffer.Parameters buf:AO buffer for AO data;timeout:timeout in mS, default 10000mS. |
AO | AOTask | WriteRawData Reload | WriteRawData(IntPtr buf, int samplesPerChannel, int timeout = 10000) | Method | 向AO缓冲区写入单一或多通道原始数值。缓冲区由C#数据类型IntPtr所指。参数 buf:指向缓冲区的指针;samplesPerChannel:每通道读取的数据;timeout mS 最长等待时间,-1持续等待直至完成,预置10000mS。只适用于一些特殊场合如与其它软件配合时使用。 | Write to AO buffer one or multi-channel raw data. The buffer is pointed by C# data type IntPtr. Parameters buf:data buffer;samplesPerChannel:number of samples per channel; timeout: timeout in mS before generating error message, timeout =-1 keep waiting until finish,default 10000mS. Only used for very special occations such as interface with other software. |
AO | AOTask | WriteSinglePoint | WriteSinglePoint(double[] buf) | Method | 向AO缓冲区写入每个通道的一个样点。参数 buf: 输出数据。缓冲区必须大于通道数。 | Write to AO buffer one sample for all channels. Parameter buf: values read. Buffer size >= number of channels. |
AO | AOTask | WriteSinglePoint Reload | WriteSinglePoint(double writeValue, int channel) | Method | 向AO缓冲区写入指定通道的一个样点。参数 buf: 输出数据;channel:指定通道。 | Write to AO buffer one sample for the specified channel. Parameter buf: values writen; channel: specified channel. |
AO | AOTask | AvaliableLenInSamples | AvaliableLenInSamples | Property | 缓冲区还可以写入的每通道点数 | AvaliableLenInSamples AO Task |
AO | AOTask | BufLenInSamples | BufLenInSamples | Property | 每个通道可以写入的缓冲区大小 | AO Buffer size in samples for per channels. |
AO | AOTask | Channels | Channels | Property | 已添加的通道列表 | A list of added AO Channels. |
AO | AOTask | ClockEdge | ClockEdge | Property | 时钟边沿属性。enum Rising/Falling。 | ClockEdge:enum Rising/Falling. |
AO | AOTask | ClockSource | ClockSource | Property | 时钟源属性。enum External/Internal。 | ClockSource: enum External/Internal. |
AO | AOTask | DisbaleCalibration | DisbaleCalibration | Property | 禁用校准系数 | Disalble calibration |
AO | AOTask | Mode | Mode | Property | 输出模式。enum ContinuousNoWrapping/ContinuousWrapping/Finite/Single。 | Mode of AO Task. Select AO Mode from enum:ContinuousNoWrapping/ContinuousWrapping/Finite/Single. |
AO | AOTask | SampleClock | SampleClock | Property | 采样时钟配置。 | Sample Clock |
AO | AOTask | SignalExport | SignalExport | Property | 信号路由 | Signal routing |
AO | AOTask | Advanced | Advanced | Property | 高级属性 | Advanced properties |
AO | AOTask | SamplesToUpdate | SamplesToUpdate | Property | 有限点Finite模式下的输出点数 | Number of output samples in Finite mode only |
AO | AOTask | Trigger | Trigger | Property | 触发参数配置 | Trigger AO Task |
AO | AOTask | UpdateRate | UpdateRate | Property | 更新率 | UpdateRate AO Task |
AO | AOTask | WrappingInterval | WrappingInterval | Property | 循环输出间隔 | WrappingInterval AO Task |
AO | AOTask | JYXXDevice | Device | Property | 设备属性配置 | Device property set |
AO | AOChannel | AOChannel | AOChannel() | Constructor | 构造函数。用来建立AOChannel任务对象 | Constructor. Used to create AOChannel task object |
AO | AOChannel | AOChannel | ChannelID | Property | AO通道:通道号 | AO channel ID |
AO | AOChannel | AOChannel | RangeHigh | Property | AO通道:量程最大值 | High range limit an AO channel |
AO | AOChannel | AOChannel | RangeLow | Property | AO通道:量程最小值 | Low range limit an AO channel |
AO | AOAdvanced | AIAdvanced | AOAdvanced() | Constructor | 构造函数。用来构造AO高级设置 | Constructor to create an advanced A0 task object. |
AO | AOAdvanced | AIAdvanced | EnableInverseSinc | Property | 是否启用InverseSinc滤波器 | Whether enable InverseSinc filter |
AO | AOAdvanced | AIAdvanced | EnableInterpolation | Property | 是否使能插值功能 | Whether enable interpolation function |
AO | AOAdvanced | AIAdvanced | EnableOverflowProtection | Property | 是否启用溢出保护 | Whether enable overflow protection. |
AO | AOTrigger | AOTrigger | AOTrigger() | Constructor | 构造函数。用来建立AOTrigger任务对象 | Constructor. Used to create AOTrigger task object. |
AO | AOTrigger | AOTrigger | Delay | Property | AO触发:触发延迟时间,单位是Tick | Number of Ticks delayed before AO triggering. |
AO | AOTrigger | AOTrigger | Digital | Property | AO数字触发。由两个部分组成。1 Source:硬件相关 enum;2 Edge: enum Rising/Falling。 | AO digital Trigger property has two parts. 1, Source: hardware specific enum; and 2: Edge: enum Rising/Falling. |
AO | AOTrigger | AOTrigger | ReTriggerCount | Property | AO触发的重触发次数。0:没有重触发。 | Number of repeat triggers. No repeat trigger when 0, or the number of repeated triggers. |
AO | AOTrigger | AOTrigger | Type | Property | AO触发类型:enum Immediate/Digital/Soft. | AO trigger type. enum Immediate/Digital/Soft |
AO | AODigitalalTrigger | AODigitalalTrigger | AODigitalalTrigger() | Constructor | 构造函数。用来建立AODigitalTrigger任务对象 | Constructor. Used to create AODigitalTrigger task object. |
AO | AODigitalalTrigger | AODigitalTrigger | Edge | Property | AO数字触发:触发边沿。enum Rising/Falling。 | Edge of AO digital rigger. enum Falling/Rising |
AO | AODigitalalTrigger | AODigitalTrigger | Source | Property | AO数字触发:外部或内部时钟源触发源。enum External/Internal。 | Clock Source of AO digital rigger. Select an external or an internal clock source from enum:External/Internal |
AO | AOSampleClock | AOSampleClock | AOSampleClock() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建AOSampleClock任务对象。 | Constructor to create an AOSampleClock object. |
AO | AOSampleClock | AOSampleClock | Source | Property | 采样时钟源,enum Internal/External | SampleClockSource,enum Internal/External |
AO | AOSampleClock | AOSampleClock | External | Property | 外部采样时钟 | External Sample Clock |
AO | AOExternalSampleClock | AOExternalSampleClock | AOExternalSampleClock() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建AOExternalSampleClock任务对象。 | Constructor to create an AOExternalSampleClock object. |
AO | AOExternalSampleClock | AOExternalSampleClock | Terminal | Property | 外部时钟输入端口 | External sample clock input terminal |
AO | AOExternalSampleClock | AOExternalSampleClock | ExpectedRate | Property | 外部时钟预期的频率 | External sample clock expected rate |
AO | AOSignalExport | AOSignalExport | AOSignalExport() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建AOSignalExport任务对象。 | Constructor to create an AOSignalExport object. |
AO | AOSignalExport | AOSignalExport | Add(AOSignalExportSource source, SignalExportDestination destination) | Method | 添加一路信号路由,将源信号路由至一个目的端口 | Add a one signal route, route the source signal to a destination terminal |
AO | AOSignalExport | AOSignalExport | Add(AOSignalExportSource source, List<SignalExportDestination> destinations) | Method | 添加一路信号路由,将源信号路由至多个目的端口 | Add a one signal route, route the source signal to multiple destination terminals |
AO | AOSignalExport | AOSignalExport | Clear( SignalExportDestination destination) | Method | 删除一路信号路由,将源信号与目的端口断开 | Removes a signal route, disconnecting the source signal from the destination terminal |
AO | AOSignalExport | AOSignalExport | ClearAll() | Method | 删除所有存在的信号路由 | Delete all existing signal routes |
DI | DITask | JYHardwareDITask | JYHardwareDITask(int slotNum) | Constructor | 构造函数。用来建立DI任务对象。slotNum板卡槽位号。硬件的唯一标志。 | Constructor. Used to create a DI task object. |
DI | DITask | AddChannel | AddChannel(int[] portsNum) | Method | 添加多个通道 | Add a group of channel. Parameter portsNum: an array of port numbers of added ports. |
DI | DITask | AddChannel Reload | AddChannel(int portNum) | Method | 添加单个通道 | Add one channel. Parameter portNum: port number to be added. |
DI | DITask | AddChannel Reload | AddChannel(int[] linesNum) | Method | 添加多根线 | Add a group of lines. Parameter lineNum: line number to be added. |
DI | DITask | AddChannel Reload | AddChannel(int lineNum) | Method | 添加单根线 | Add one line. Parameter lineNum: line number to be added. |
DI | DITask | AddChannel Reload | AddChannel(int portNum, int[]lineNum) | Method | 添加指定port中的多根线 | Add a group of lines in specified port . Parameter portNum: specified port. lineNum: line number to be added. |
DI | DITask | ReadData | ReadData(ref byte[,] dataBuffer, uint samplesToAcquire, int timeOut = 10000) | Method | 读取端口或者线的byte数据,每一列代表一个端口或者一根线。参数 dataBuffer:读回的数据缓冲; samplesToAcquire:每一端口或者线需要读取的数据长度; timeout:当数据不足时,最多等待的时间(单位:ms),为-1时持续等待,预置值10000mS。 | Read the port or line byte data from the ports. Each column represents one port or one line. Parameters dataBuffer: data read; sampesToAcquire: number of samples per port or line to be read; timeout: timeout in mS before generating error message, timeout =-1 keep waiting until finish, default 10000mS. |
DI | DITask | ReadData Reload | ReadData(ref byte[] dataBuffer, uint samplesToAcquire, int timeOut = 10000) | Method | 读取一个端口或者线的byte数据。参数 dataBuffer:读回的数据缓冲; samplesToAcquire:端口或者线需要读取的数据长度; timeout:当数据不足时,最多等待的时间(单位:ms),为-1时持续等待,预置值10000mS。 | Read the byte data from one port or one line. Parameters dataBuffer: data read; sampesToAcquire: number of samples per port or one line to be read; timeout: timeout in mS before generating error message, timeout =-1 keep waiting until finish, default 10000mS. |
DI | DITask | ReadData Reload | ReadData(ref uint[] dataBuffer,uint samplesToAcquire, int timeOut = 10000) | Method | 读取uint数据,数据中每一位代表一根线。参数 dataBuffer:读回的数据缓冲; samplesToAcquire:需要读取的数据长度; timeout:当数据不足时,最多等待的时间(单位:ms),为-1时持续等待,预置值10000mS。 | Read uint type data, Each bit in the data represents a line. Parameters dataBuffer: uint data read; sampesToAcquire: number of samples to be read; timeout: timeout in mS before generating error message, timeout =-1 keep waiting until finish, default 10000mS. |
DI | DITask | ReadData Reload | ReadData(ref uint[] dataBuffer,int timeOut = 10000) | Method | 读取uint数据,数据中每一位代表一根线。参数 dataBuffer:读回的数据缓冲; timeout:当数据不足时,最多等待的时间(单位:ms),为-1时持续等待,预置值10000mS。 | Read uint type data, Each bit in the data represents a line. Parameters dataBuffer: uint data read; timeout: timeout in mS before generating error message, timeout =-1 keep waiting until finish, default 10000mS. |
DI | DITask | ReadData Reload | ReadData(ref IntPtr dataBuffer, uint samplesToAcquire,int timeOut = 10000) | Method | 读取uint数据,数据中每一位代表一根线。缓冲区由C#数据类型IntPtr所指。参数 dataBuffer:指向缓冲区的指针;samplesPerChannel:每通道读取的数据;timeout mS 最长等待时间,-1持续等待直至完成。。只适用于一些特殊场合如与其它软件配合时使用。 | Read uint type data, Each bit in the data represents a line. The buffer is pointed by C# data type IntPtr. Parameters dataBuffer:data buffer;samplesPerChannel:number of samples per channel; timeout: timeout in mS before generating error message, timeout =-1 keep waiting until finish. Only used for very special occations such as interface with other software. |
DI | DITask | ReadSinglePoint | ReadSinglePoint(ref bool[] buf, int portNum) | Method | 非缓冲式读取指定端口最新的一个点,参数 buf[]读回的指定端口数据,portNum 端口号。 | Read the latest point from the specified port in unbuffered reading mode. Parameter buf[]:port value read. |
DI | DITask | ReadSinglePoint Reload | ReadSinglePoint(ref bool readValue, int portNum, int lineNum) | Method | 非缓冲式读取指定线的最新一个点。参数 readValue读回的数据,lineNum 指定的线号。 | Read the latest point from the specified line in unbuffered reading mode . |
DI | DITask | ReadSinglePoint Reload | ReadSinglePoint(ref bool readValue, int portNum, int lineNum) | Method | 非缓冲式读取指定端口指定线的最新一个点。参数 readValue读回的数据,lineNum 指定的线号。 | Read the latest point from the specified line in unbuffered reading mode . |
DI | DITask | ReadSinglePoint Reload | ReadSinglePoint(ref bool[] buf) | Method | 非缓冲式读取所有端口或线的最新一个点。参数 buf[]读回的数据。 | Read the latest point from all ports or all lines in unbuffered reading mode. Parameter buf[]:value read. |
DI | DITask | RemoveChannel | RemoveChannel(int portNum) | Method | 删除指定端口号 | Delete the specified port number |
DI | DITask | RemoveChannel reload | RemoveChannel(int[] linesNum) | Method | 删除指定一组线号的通道 | Delete the specified a group line number |
DI | DITask | RemoveChannel reload | RemoveChannel(int portNum, int[] lineNum) | Method | 删除指定端口中指定线号的通道 | Delete the specified line number |
DI | DITask | RemoveChannel reload | RemoveChannel(int lineNum) | Method | 删除指定线号的通道 | Delete the specified line number |
DI | DITask | SendSoftwareTrigger | SendSoftwareTrigger() | Method | 产生一个软件触发信号。 | Generate a software trigger. |
DI | DITask | Start | Start() | Method | 开始DI任务 | Start DI task |
DI | DITask | Stop | Stop() | Method | 停止DI任务 | Stop DI task |
DI | DITask | AvailableSamples | AvailableSamples | Property | 缓冲区内可以读取的每个通道点数 | Number of sample points available for reading for per channe |
DI | DITask | BufLenInSamples | BufLenInSamples | Property | 缓冲区最大能容纳的每通道点数 | The maximum number of points per channel that the buffer can hold |
DI | DITask | Channels | Channels | Property | 已添加的通道列表 | List of added DI channels |
DI | DITask | ClockEdge | ClockEdge | Property | 时钟边沿属性。enum Rising/Falling。 | Clock edge. enum Rising/Falling. |
DI | DITaskr | ClockSource | ClockSource | Property | 时钟源属性。enum External/Internal。 | Clock Source. enum External/Internal. |
DI | DITask | Mode | Mode | Property | 采集模式,enum:Single/Finite/Continuous | DI Mode. enum Single/Finite/Continuous |
DI | DITask | SampleRate | SampleRate | Property | 采样率 | DI sampling rate per channel. |
DI | DITask | SamplesToAcquire | SamplesToAcquire | Property | 有限模式Finite下每一通道需要采集的点数 | Samples to be acquired per channel. Finite mode only. |
DI | DITask | SampleClock | SampleClock | Property | 采样时钟配置。 | Sample Clock |
DI | DITask | SignalExport | SignalExport | Property | 信号路由 | Signal routing |
DI | DITask | Trigger | Trigger | Property | 触发参数配置 | Configure DI trigger. |
DI | DITask | JYXXDevice | Device | Property | 设备属性配置 | Device property set |
DI | DITrigger | DITrigger | DITrigger() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建DITrigger任务对象。用来构造DITrigger | Constructor, used to create a DITrigger task object. |
DI | DITrigger | DITrigger | Mode | Property | DI触发模式属性,enum Start/Reference | DI trigger mode. enum Start/Reference. |
DI | DITrigger | DITrigger | Type | Property | DI触发类型属性。enum Immediate/Digital/Soft。 | DI trigger type. enum Immediate/Digital/Soft. |
DI | DITrigger | DITrigger | Digital | Property | DI数字触发属性。由两个部分组成。源Source:硬件相关enum; 数字触发边沿类型 Edge:enum Rising/Falling。 | DITrigger has two properties. 1 Source: hardware specific; 2 Edge: enum Rising/Falling. |
DI | DITrigger | DITrigger | PreTriggerSamples | Property | 触发前的预触发点数。 | Number of samples prior to triggering. |
DI | DITrigger | DITrigger | ReTriggerCount | Property | 重触发次数。为0时不重复触发,>0时为重复触发次数,为-1时无限重触发。 | Number of repeat triggers. No repeat trigger when 0, or the number of repeated triggers. Infinite trigger when -1. |
DI | DIDigitalalTrigger | DIDigitalalTrigger | DIDigitalalTrigger() | Constructor | 构造函数。用来建立DIDigitalalTrigger任务对象 | Constructor. Used to create AODigitalTrigger task object. |
DI | DIDigitalalTrigger | DIDigitalalTrigger | Edge | Property | 触发边沿。enum Rising/Falling。 | Edge of AO digital rigger. enum Falling/Rising |
DI | DIDigitalalTrigger | DIDigitalalTrigger | Source | Property | 触发源。硬件相关enum。 | Source property. hardware specific enum. |
DI | DIChannel | DIChannel | DIChannel() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建DIChannel任务对象。 | Constructor used to create a DIChannel task object. |
DI | DIChannel | DIChannel | PortNum | Property | 端口号 | port number. |
DI | DIChannel | DIChannel | LineNum | Property | 数字线号 | line number |
DI | DISampleClock | DISampleClock | DISampleClock() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建DISampleClock任务对象。 | Constructor to create an DISampleClock object. |
DI | DISampleClock | DISampleClock | Source | Property | 采样时钟源,enum Internal/External | SampleClockSource,enum Internal/External |
DI | DISampleClock | DISampleClock | External | Property | 外部采样时钟 | External Sample Clock |
DI | DISampleClock | DISampleClock | ClockEdge | Property | 时钟有效边沿 | Sample clock edge |
DI | DIExternalSampleClock | DIExternalSampleClock | DIExternalSampleClock() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建DIExternalSampleClock任务对象。 | Constructor to create an DIExternalSampleClock object. |
DI | DIExternalSampleClock | DIExternalSampleClock | Terminal | Property | 外部时钟输入端口 | External sample clock input terminal |
DI | DIExternalSampleClock | DIExternalSampleClock | ExpectedRate | Property | 外部时钟预期的频率 | External sample clock expected rate |
DI | DISignalExport | DISignalExport | DISignalExport() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建DISignalExport任务对象。 | Constructor to create an DISignalExport object. |
DI | DISignalExport | DISignalExport | Add(DISignalExportSource source, SignalExportDestination destination) | Method | 添加一路信号路由,将源信号路由至一个目的端口 | Add a one signal route, route the source signal to a destination terminal |
DI | DISignalExport | DISignalExport | Add(DISignalExportSource source, List<SignalExportDestination> destinations) | Method | 添加一路信号路由,将源信号路由至多个目的端口 | Add a one signal route, route the source signal to multiple destination terminals |
DI | DISignalExport | DISignalExport | Clear( SignalExportDestination destination) | Method | 删除一路信号路由,将源信号与目的端口断开 | Removes a signal route, disconnecting the source signal from the destination terminal |
DI | DISignalExport | DISignalExport | ClearAll() | Method | 删除所有存在的信号路由 | Delete all existing signal routes |
DO | DOTask | JYHardwareDOTask | JYHardwareDOTask(int slotNum) | Constructor | 构造函数。用来建立DO任务对象。slotNum板卡槽位号。硬件的唯一标志。 | Constructor. Used to create a digital output DO task object. Parameter slotNum: board number, unique idendifier for the this hardware. |
DO | DOTask | AddChannel | AddChannel(int[] portsNum) | Method | 添加多个端口。参数:portsNum:一组端口号; | Add a group of ports. Parameter portsNum: an array of port numbers of added ports. |
DO | DOTask | AddChannel Reload | AddChannel(int portNum) | Method | 添加一个端口。 | Add one port. Parameter portNum: port number to be added. |
DO | DOTask | AddChannel Reload | AddChannel(int portNum, int[] lineNum) | Method | 添加一个端口中多根线。 | Add a group of lines in specified port . Parameter portNum: specified port. lineNum: line number to be added. |
DO | DOTask | AddChannel Reload | AddChannel(int[] linesNum) | Method | 添加多根线 | Add a group of lines. Parameter lineNum: line number to be added. |
DO | DOTask | AddChannel Reload | AddChannel(int lineNum) | Method | 添加单根线 | Add one line. Parameter lineNum: line number to be added. |
DO | DOTask | RemoveChannel | RemoveChannel(int portNum) | Method | 移除指定的通道。参数 portsNum:指定的通道,-1:所有通道。 | Remove specified port; remove all ports when portNum = -1. |
DO | DOTask | RemoveChannel reload | RemoveChannel(int[] linesNum) | Method | 删除指定一组线号的通道 | Delete the specified a group line number |
DO | DOTask | RemoveChannel reload | RemoveChannel(int lineNum) | Method | 删除指定线号的通道 | Delete the specified line number |
DO | DOTask | RemoveChannel reload | RemoveChannel(int portNum, int[] lineNum) | Method | 删除指定端口中指定线号的通道 | Delete the specified line number |
DO | DOTask | SendSoftwareTrigger | SendSoftwareTrigger() | Method | 产生一个软件触发信号 | Generate a software trigger. |
DO | DOTask | Start | Start() | Method | 开始DO任务 | Start anDO task. |
DO | DOTask | Stop | Stop() | Method | 停止DO任务 | Stop an DO task. |
DO | DOTask | WaitUntilDone | WaitUntilDone(int timeout = -1) | Method | 等待当前任务完成。参数 timeOut: timeOut=整数N,等待N毫秒,如果没有完成,报错,timeOut=-1, 等待直至完成。 | Waiting until current task to complete. Parameter timeout = -1, wait until done, other positive number N, wait N mS. If not done, a timeout error generate. |
DO | DOTask | WriteData | WriteData(byte[,] dataBuffer, uint samplesToUpdate, int timeOut = 10000) | Method | 写入多个端口或线的byte数据,每一列代表一个端口或线的数据。参数 dataBuffer:数据; samplesToUpdate:每个通道数据长度; timeout当数据不足时,最多等待的时间(单位:ms),为-1时持续等待,预置值10000mS。 | Write multi-port or multi-line byte type data to the data buffer. Each column represents one port or one line. Parameters dataBuffer: data buffer; samplesToUpdate: number of samples for each port; timeout = -1, wait until done, other positive number N, wait N mS. If not done, a timeout error generate, default 10000mS. |
DO | DOTask | WriteData Reload | WriteData(byte[] dataBuffer, uint samplesToUpdate, int timeOut = 10000) | Method | 写入单个端口或线byte数据。参数 dataBuffer:数据; samplesToUpdate:每个通道数据长度; timeout当数据不足时,最多等待的时间(单位:ms),为-1时持续等待,预置值10000mS。 | Write one port or line byte type data to the data buffer. Parameters dataBuffer: data buffer; samplesToUpdate: number of sampples for each port; timeout = -1, wait until done, other positive number N, wait N mS. If not done, a timeout error generate, default 10000mS. |
DO | DOTask | WriteData Reload | WriteData(uint[] dataBuffer, uint samplesToUpdate, int timeOut = 10000) | Method | 写入单个或多个端口unit数据,数据中每一位代表一根线。参数 dataBuffer:数据; samplesToUpdate:每个通道数据长度; timeout当数据不足时,最多等待的时间(单位:ms),为-1时持续等待,预置值10002mS。 | Write one port or multi-port uint type data to the data buffer. Each bit in the data represents a line.Parameters dataBuffer: data buffer; samplesToUpdate: number of samples for each port; timeout = -1, wait until done, other positive number N, wait N mS. If not done, a timeout error generate, default 10000mS. |
DO | DOTask | WriteData Reload | WriteData(uint[] dataBuffer, int timeOut = 10000) | Method | 写入单个或多个端口unit数据,数据中每一位代表一根线。参数 dataBuffer:数据; timeout当数据不足时,最多等待的时间(单位:ms),为-1时持续等待,预置值10002mS。 | Write one port or multi-port uint type data to the data buffer.Each bit in the data represents a line. Parameters dataBuffer: data buffer; timeout = -1, wait until done, other positive number N, wait N mS. If not done, a timeout error generate, default 10000mS. |
DO | DOTask | WriteData Reload | WriteData(IntPtr dataBuffer, uint samplesToUpdate, int timeOut = 10000) | Method | 写入单个或多个端口unit数据,数据中每一位代表一根线,缓冲区由C#数据类型IntPtr所指。参数 dataBuffer:数据; samplesToUpdate:每个通道数据长度; timeout当数据不足时,最多等待的时间(单位:ms),为-1时持续等待,预置值10002mS。 | Write one port or multi-port uint type data to the data buffer,Each bit in the data represents a line.The buffer is pointed by C# data type IntPtr.Parameters dataBuffer: data buffer; samplesToUpdate: number of samples for each port; timeout = -1, wait until done, other positive number N, wait N mS. If not done, a timeout error generate, default 10000mS. |
DO | DOTask | WriteSinglePoint | WriteSinglePoint(bool writeValue,int lineNum) | Method | 写入指定线单点值。参数 writeValue:用户缓冲区数组; lineNum:指定写入的线。 | Write a single point to a specified port. Paramters buf:data to be written; lineNum: specified line. |
DO | DOTask | WriteSinglePoint | WriteSinglePoint(bool writeValue,int portNum, int lineNum) | Method | 写入指定端口指定线单点值。参数 writeValue:用户缓冲区数组; lineNum:指定写入的线。 | Write a single point to a specified port. Paramters buf:data to be written; lineNum: specified line. |
DO | DOTask | WriteSinglePoint | WriteSinglePoint(bool[] buf,int portNum) | Method | 写入单点值。参数 buf:用户缓冲区数组; portNum:指定写入的端口。 | Write a single point to a specified port. Paramters buf:data to be written; port: specified port. |
DO | DOTask | WriteSinglePoint | WriteSinglePoint(bool[] buf) | Method | 写入所有端口或线的单点值,buf:用户缓冲区数组。 | Write data to all ports or lines, a single point per port or line. Paramter buf:data to be written. |
DO | DOTask | AvailableLenInSamples | AvailableLenInSamples | Property | 缓冲区还可以写入的最多点数。 | Number of sample points available for writing for all channels. |
DO | DOTask | Channels | Channels | Property | DO已添加的端口通道列表 | A list added channels of ports |
DO | DOTask | ClockEdge | ClockEdge | Property | 时钟边沿属性。enum Rising/Falling。 | Clock edge. enum Rising/Falling. |
DO | DOTask | ClockSource | ClockSource | Property | 时钟源属性。enum External/Internal。 | Clock source. enum External/Internal. |
DO | DOTask | Mode | Mode | Property | DO输出模式. 硬件相关enum。 | DO Mode. enum: hardware specific. |
DO | DOTask | SamplesToUpdate | SamplesToUpdate | Property | 每个端口有限输出点数。 | Finite output update points per port. |
DO | DOTask | SampleClock | SampleClock | Property | 采样时钟配置。 | Sample Clock |
DO | DOTask | SignalExport | SignalExport | Property | 信号路由 | Signal routing |
DO | DOTask | Trigger | Trigger | Property | 触发参数配置 | Configure DO trigger. |
DO | DOTask | UpdateRate | UpdateRate | Property | 单一端口的DO输出更新率。 | DO output update per port. |
DO | DOTask | JYXXDevice | Device | Property | 设备属性配置 | Device property set |
DO | DOChannel | DOChannel | DOChannel() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建DOChannel任务对象。 | Constructor. Used to create a DIChannel task object. |
DO | DOChannel | DOChannel | PortNum | Property | 端口号 | port number. |
DO | DOChannel | DOChannel | LineNum | Property | 数字线号 | line number |
DO | DOTrigger | DOTrigger | DOTrigger() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建DOTrigger任务对象。 | Constructor. Used to create a DOTrigger task object. |
DO | DOTrigger | DOTrigger | Digital | Property | DO数字触发属性。由两个部分组成。1 Source:硬件相关enum选; 2 Edge 数字触发边沿类型 enum:Rising/Falling。 | DOTrigger Digital property has two two parts. 1 Digital: hardware specific enum; 2 Type: enum Rising/Falling. |
DO | DOTrigger | DOTrigger | Type | Property | 触发类型属性,enum Immediate/Digital/Soft。 | DOTrigger Type. enum Immediate/Digital/Soft. |
DO | DODigitalalTrigger | DODigitalalTrigger | DODigitalalTrigger() | Constructor | 构造函数。用来建立DODigitalalTrigger任务对象 | Constructor. Used to create DODigitalTrigger task object. |
DO | DODigitalalTrigger | DODigitalalTrigger | Edge | Property | 数字触发边沿。enum Rising/Falling。 | Edge of DO digital trigger. enum Falling/Rising. |
DO | DODigitalalTrigger | DODigitalalTrigger | Source | Property | 数字触发源。硬件相关enum。 | Source of DO digital trigger. Hardware specific enum. |
DO | DOSampleClock | DOSampleClock | DOSampleClock() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建DOSampleClock任务对象。 | Constructor to create an DOSampleClock object. |
DO | DOSampleClock | DOSampleClock | Source | Property | 采样时钟源,enum Internal/External | SampleClockSource,enum Internal/External |
DO | DOSampleClock | DOSampleClock | External | Property | 外部采样时钟 | External Sample Clock |
DO | DOSampleClock | DOSampleClock | ClockEdge | Property | 时钟有效边沿 | Sample clock edge |
DO | DOExternalSampleClock | DOExternalSampleClock | DOExternalSampleClock() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建DOExternalSampleClock任务对象。 | Constructor to create an DOExternalSampleClock object. |
DO | DOExternalSampleClock | DOExternalSampleClock | Terminal | Property | 外部时钟输入端口 | External sample clock input terminal |
DO | DOExternalSampleClock | DOExternalSampleClock | ExpectedRate | Property | 外部时钟预期的频率 | External sample clock expected rate |
DO | DOSignalExport | DOSignalExport | DISignalExport() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建DOSignalExport任务对象。 | Constructor to create an DOSignalExport object. |
DO | DOSignalExport | DOSignalExport | Add(DOSignalExportSource source, SignalExportDestination destination) | Method | 添加一路信号路由,将源信号路由至一个目的端口 | Add a one signal route, route the source signal to a destination terminal |
DO | DOSignalExport | DOSignalExport | Add(DOSignalExportSource source, List<SignalExportDestination> destinations) | Method | 添加一路信号路由,将源信号路由至多个目的端口 | Add a one signal route, route the source signal to multiple destination terminals |
DO | DOSignalExport | DOSignalExport | Clear( SignalExportDestination destination) | Method | 删除一路信号路由,将源信号与目的端口断开 | Removes a signal route, disconnecting the source signal from the destination terminal |
DO | DOSignalExport | DOSignalExport | ClearAll() | Method | 删除所有存在的信号路由 | Delete all existing signal routes |
CI | CITask | JYHardwareCITask | JYHardwareCITask(int slotNum, int channel) | Constructor | 构造函数。用来建立CITask类,slotNum板卡槽位号。硬件的唯一标志。channel,计数器编号 | Constructor. Used to create a Counter Input CI task object. |
CI | CITask | ReadCounter | ReadCounter(uint[] buf, uint samplesToAcquire, int timeOut = 10000) | Method | 读取计数值。参数 buf:保存数据的缓存; samplesToAcquire:每通道读取长度; timeout当数据不足时,最多等待的时间(单位:ms),为-1时持续等待。 | Read counter values. Parameters buf:buffer for counter values; samplesToAcquire: number of counter values to be read ; timeout = -1, wait until done, other positive number N, wait N mS. If not done, a timeout error generate. |
CI | CITask | ReadMeasure | ReadMeasure(double[] buf, uint samplesToAcquire, int timeOut = 10000) | Method | 读取测量值。参数 buf:保存数据的缓存; samplesToAcquire:每通道读取长度; timeout当数据不足时,最多等待的时间(单位:ms),为-1时持续等待。 | Read measurement values. Parameters buf:buffer for the measurement values; samplesToAcquire: number of counter values to be read per channel; timeout = -1, wait until done, other positive number N, wait N mS. If not done, a timeout error generate. |
CI | CITask | ReadSingleCounter | ReadSingleCounter(ref uint buf) | Method | 读取单个计数值。参数 buf:保存数据的缓存 | Read a signle counter value. Parameter buf:buffer for the counter value。 |
CI | CITask | ReadSingleMeasure | ReadSingleMeasure(ref double buf, int timeOut = 10000) | Method | 读取单个测量值。参数 buf:保存数据的缓存; timeout当数据不足时,最多等待的时间(单位:ms),为-1时持续等待, 预置值10000mS。 | Read a signle measurement value. Parameters buf:buffer for the measurement value; timeout = -1, wait until done, other positive number N, wait N mS. If not done, a timeout error generate, default 10000mS. |
CI | CITask | SendSoftwareTrigger | SendSoftwareTrigger() | Method | 产生一个软件触发信号。enum Start/Reference/Pause。 | Generate a software trigger. enum Start/Reference/Pause. |
CI | CITask | ReadSinglePoint | ReadSinglePoint(ref uint count) | Method | 读取单个计数值。 | Read a signle counter value. Parameter buf:buffer for the counter value。 |
CI | CITask | ReadSinglePoint Reload | ReadSinglePoint(ref double measurement, int timeout = 10000) | Method | 读取单个测量值。 | Read a signle measurement value. Parameters measurement:buffer for the measurement value; timeout = -1, wait until done, other positive number N, wait N mS. If not done, a timeout error generate, default 10000mS. |
CI | CITask | ReadSinglePoint Reload | ReadSinglePoint(ref double measurement1, ref double measurement2, int timeout = 10000) | Method | 读取单个测量值。 | Read a signle measurement value. Parameters measurement1,measurement2:buffer for the measurement value; timeout = -1, wait until done, other positive number N, wait N mS. If not done, a timeout error generate, default 10000mS. |
CI | CITask | ReadData | ReadData(ref uint[] bufCount, int samplesToAcquire, int timeout = 10000) | Method | 读取计数值。参数 bufCount:保存数据的缓存; samplesToAcquire:每通道读取长度; timeout当数据不足时,最多等待的时间(单位:ms),为-1时持续等待。 | Read counter values. Parameters bufCount:buffer for counter values; samplesToAcquire: number of counter values to be read ; timeout = -1, wait until done, other positive number N, wait N mS. If not done, a timeout error generate. |
CI | CITask | ReadData Reload | ReadData(ref uint[] bufCount, int timeout = 10000) | Method | 读取计数值。参数 bufCount:保存数据的缓存; timeout当数据不足时,最多等待的时间(单位:ms),为-1时持续等待。 | Read counter values. Parameters bufCount:buffer for counter values; timeout = -1, wait until done, other positive number N, wait N mS. If not done, a timeout error generate. |
CI | CITask | ReadData Reload | ReadData(ref double[] bufMeasurement, int samplesToAcquire, int timeout = 10000) | Method | 读取测量值。参数 bufMeasurement:保存数据的缓存; samplesToAcquire:每通道读取长度; timeout当数据不足时,最多等待的时间(单位:ms),为-1时持续等待。 | Read measurement values. Parameters bufMeasurement:buffer for the measurement values; samplesToAcquire: number of counter values to be read per channel; timeout = -1, wait until done, other positive number N, wait N mS. If not done, a timeout error generate. |
CI | CITask | ReadData Reload | ReadData(ref double[] bufMeasurement, int timeout = 10000) | Method | 读取测量值。参数 bufMeasurement:保存数据的缓存; timeout当数据不足时,最多等待的时间(单位:ms),为-1时持续等待。 | Read measurement values. Parameters bufMeasurement:buffer for the measurement values; timeout = -1, wait until done, other positive number N, wait N mS. If not done, a timeout error generate. |
CI | CITask | ReadData Reload | ReadData(ref double[] bufMeasurement1, ref double[] bufMeasurement2, int samplesToAcquire, int timeout = 10000) | Method | 读取测量值。参数 bufMeasurement1, bufMeasurement2 :保存数据的缓存; samplesToAcquire:每通道读取长度; timeout当数据不足时,最多等待的时间(单位:ms),为-1时持续等待。 | Read measurement values. Parameters bufMeasurement1, bufMeasurement2:buffer for the measurement values; samplesToAcquire: number of counter values to be read per channel; timeout = -1, wait until done, other positive number N, wait N mS. If not done, a timeout error generate. |
CI | CITask | ReadData Reload | ReadData(ref double[] bufMeasurement1, ref double[] bufMeasurement2, int timeout = 10000) | Method | 读取测量值。参数 bufMeasurement1, bufMeasurement2:保存数据的缓存; timeout当数据不足时,最多等待的时间(单位:ms),为-1时持续等待。 | Read measurement values. Parameters bufMeasurement1, bufMeasurement2:buffer for the measurement values; timeout = -1, wait until done, other positive number N, wait N mS. If not done, a timeout error generate. |
CI | CITask | WaitUntilDone | WaitUntilDone(int timeout = -1) | Method | 等待当前任务完成。参数 timeOut: timeOut=整数N,等待N毫秒,如果没有完成,报错,timeOut=-1, 等待直至完成。 | Waiting until current task to complete. Parameter timeout = -1, wait until done, other positive number N, wait N mS. If not done, a timeout error generate. |
CI | CITask | Start | Start() | Method | 开始CI任务 | Start CI task. |
CI | CITask | Stop | Stop() | Method | 停止CI任务 | Stop CI task. |
CI | CITask | AvailableSamples | AvailableSamples | Property | 缓冲区内还可以读取的点数 | Number of sample points available for reading . |
CI | CITask | TransferedSamples | TransferedSamples | Property | 已从缓冲区内读取的每通道点数 | Number of points per channel that has already been read from the buffer |
CI | CITask | CITimeBase | CITimeBase | Property | CI时基 | CI's time base. |
CI | CITask | ClockSource | ClockSource | Property | CI采样时钟源 | CI's clock source. |
CI | CITask | Counter | Counter | Property | 计数模式参数配置 | Configure CI Counter. |
CI | CITask | Measure | Measure | Property | 测量模式参数配置 | Configure CI Measure. |
CI | CITask | Mode | Mode | Property | CI采样模式 | CI mode |
CI | CITask | SampleRate | SampleRate | Property | CI采样率,仅在ClockSource为内部时钟Internal时有效。 | CI sampling rate . Valid only when ClockSource is Internal. |
CI | CITask | SamplesToAcquire | SamplesToAcquire | Property | CI有限采集点数 | Samples to be acquired . Finite mode only. |
CI | CITask | SampleClock | SampleClock | Property | 采样时钟配置。 | Sample Clock |
CI | CITask | Trigger | Trigger | Property | CI触发参数配置 | Configure CI Trigger. |
CI | CITask | Type | Type | Property | CI测量类型,enum:EdgeCountingt/Period/Frequency/Pulse/TwoEdgeSeparation/QuadEncoder/TwoPulseEncoder。硬件相关。 | CI Measure types. enum:EdgeCountingt/Period/Frequency/Pulse/TwoEdgeSeparation/QuadEncoder/TwoPulseEncoder. Hardware specific. |
CI | CITask | Sync | Sync | Property | 同步参数配置 | Sync paraments set |
CI | CITask | JY5211Device | Device | Property | 设备属性配置 | Device property set |
CI | CITrigger | CITrigger | Constructor | Constructor | 构造函数,创建CITrigger任务对象。 | Constructor. Used to create a CITrigger task object. |
CI | CITrigger | CITrigger | Digital | Property | CI数字触发属性。由两个部分组成。1 Source 硬件相关enum;2 Edge 数字触发边沿类型 enum:Rising/Falling。 | CITrigger has two parts. 1 Source: hardware specific; 2 Edge: enum Rising/Falling. |
CI | CITrigger | CITrigger | Type | Property | 触发类型属性,enum Immediate/Digital/Soft定。硬件相关。 | CI trigger type: enum Immediate/Digital/Soft. Hardware specific. |
CI | CIDigitalTrigger | CIDigitalTrigger | CIDigitalTrigger() | Constructor | 构造函数。用来建立CIDigitalalTrigger任务对象 | Constructor. Used to create AODigitalTrigger task object. |
CI | CIDigitalTrigger | CIDigitalTrigger | Edge | Property | 数字触发边沿。enum Rising/Falling。 | Edge of CI digital rigger. enum Falling/Rising |
CI | CIDigitalTrigger | CIDigitalTrigger | Source | Property | 数字触发源。硬件相关enum。 | CI trigger source. Hardware specific. |
CI | CISampleClock | CISampleClock | CISampleClock() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建CISampleClock任务对象。 | Constructor to create an CISampleClock object. |
CI | CISampleClock | CISampleClock | Source | Property | 采样时钟源,enum Internal/External/Implicit | SampleClockSource,enum Internal/External/Implicit |
CI | CISampleClock | CISampleClock | External | Property | 外部采样时钟 | External Sample Clock |
CI | CISampleClock | CISampleClock | Internal | Property | 内部采样时钟 | Internal Sample Clock |
CI | CISampleClock | CISampleClock | Implicit | Property | 隐式时钟 | Implicit Sample Clock |
CI | CIExternalSampleClock | CIExternalSampleClock | CIExternalSampleClock() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建CIExternalSampleClock任务对象。 | Constructor to create an CIExternalSampleClock object. |
CI | CIExternalSampleClock | CIExternalSampleClock | Terminal | Property | 外部时钟输入端口 | External sample clock input terminal |
CI | CIExternalSampleClock | CIExternalSampleClock | ExpectedRate | Property | 外部时钟预期的频率 | External sample clock expected rate |
CI | CIInternalSampleClock | CIInternalSampleClock | CIInternalSampleClock() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建CIInternalSampleClock任务对象。 | Constructor to create an CIInternalSampleClock object. |
CI | CIInternalSampleClock | CIInternalSampleClock | Rate | Property | 内部时钟采样率 | The rate of the internal sample clock |
CI | CIImplicitSampleClock | CIImplicitSampleClock | CIImplicitSampleClock() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建CIImplicitSampleClock任务对象。 | Constructor to create an CIImplicitSampleClock object. |
CI | CIImplicitSampleClock | CIImplicitSampleClock | ExpectedRate | Property | 隐式时钟预期的频率 | Implicit sample clock expected rate |
CI | CISignalExport | CISignalExport | CISignalExport() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建CISignalExport任务对象。 | Constructor to create an CISignalExport object. |
CI | CISignalExport | CISignalExport | Add(CISignalExportSource source, SignalExportDestination destination) | Method | 添加一路信号路由,将源信号路由至一个目的端口 | Add a one signal route, route the source signal to a destination terminal |
CI | CISignalExport | CISignalExport | Add(CISignalExportSource source, List<SignalExportDestination> destinations) | Method | 添加一路信号路由,将源信号路由至多个目的端口 | Add a one signal route, route the source signal to multiple destination terminals |
CI | CISignalExport | CISignalExport | Clear( SignalExportDestination destination) | Method | 删除一路信号路由,将源信号与目的端口断开 | Removes a signal route, disconnecting the source signal from the destination terminal |
CI | CISignalExport | CISignalExport | ClearAll() | Method | 删除所有存在的信号路由 | Delete all existing signal routes |
CI | Counter | Counter | Counter() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建Counter任务对象。 | Constructor. Used to create AO Counter task object. |
CI | Counter | Counter | ClockEdge | Property | 计数模式下的时钟有限边沿,Rising/Falling | Active edge of clock in counter mode |
CI | Counter | Counter | ClockSource | Property | 计数模式下的时钟源。enum External/Internal。 | clock source in counter mode |
CI | Counter | Counter | Direction | Property | 计数方向。enum Up/Down. Up: 计数值增加; Down: 计数值减小。External:外部信号控制计数方向,高电平时增计数,低电平时减计数 | Counter direction. enum Up/Down. Up: Counter increases; Down: counter decreases. External: External signal control counter direction. If External signal is highlevel counter increases, or lowlevel counter decreases. |
CI | Counter | Counter | DirectionPolarity | Property | 计数方向的有效电平 | Active Level of Counter direction |
CI | Counter | Counter | GatePolarity | Property | 门信号的有效电平 | Active Level of Gate Signal |
CI | Counter | Counter | GateSource | Property | 门信号源 | Gate Signal Source |
CI | Counter | Counter | InitialCount | Property | 计数器初始值。 | Counter initial value. |
CI | Measure | Measure | Measure() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建Measure任务对象。 | Constructor. Used to create AO Measure task object. |
CI | Measure | Measure | ClockEdge | Property | 测量模式下的时钟有限边沿,Rising/Falling | Active edge of clock in measure mode. enum Rising/Falling. |
CI | Measure | Measure | ClockSource | Property | 测量模式下的时钟源。enum External/Internal。 | clock source in measure mode.enum External/Internal。 |
CI | Measure | Measure | EdgeType | Property | 测量双边沿间隔的类型 | Edge types used in the measure. enum FirstToSecond/SecondToFirst. FirstToSecond:Gate rising edge to AUX rising edge; SecondToFirst:AUX rising edge to Gate rising edge. |
CI | Measure | Measure | ExternalClockRate | Property | 外部时钟源的频率 | external clock rare |
CI | Measure | Measure | PulseType | Property | 测量脉冲的类型 | Pulse types used in the measure. |
CI | Measure | Measure | Type | Property | 测量类型。SinglePeriodMSR/SinglePulseWidthMSR/EdgeSeparationMSR | measure type。 enum:SinglePeriodMSR/SinglePulseWidthMSR/EdgeSeparationMSR |
CI | EdgeCounting | EdgeCounting | EdgeCounting() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建EdgeCounting任务对象。 | Constructor to create an EdgeCounting object. |
CI | EdgeCounting | EdgeCounting | InitialCount | Property | 计数器初始值。 | Counter initial value. |
CI | EdgeCounting | EdgeCounting | ActiveEdge | Property | 信号有效边沿 | Signal active edge |
CI | EdgeCounting | EdgeCounting | Direction | Property | 计数方向。enum Up/Down. Up: 计数值增加; Down: 计数值减小。External:外部信号控制计数方向,高电平时增计数,低电平时减计数 | Counter direction. enum Up/Down. Up: Counter increases; Down: counter decreases. External: External signal control counter direction. If External signal is highlevel counter increases, or lowlevel counter decreases. |
CI | EdgeCounting | EdgeCounting | OutEvent | Property | 边沿计数输出事件。当计数值等于指定阈值时输出一个脉冲 | Edge counting output event. A pulse will be generated when the count value reaches specified threshold |
CI | EdgeCounting | EdgeCounting | Pause | Property | 暂停触发配置 | Pause Trigger Configuration |
CI | EdgeCounting | EdgeCounting | InputTerminal | Property | 被测信号的输入端口 | Input Terminal of Signal to Measure |
CI | EdgeCounting | EdgeCounting | DirTerminal | Property | 外部方向控制信号的输入端口 | Terminal of External Count Diretion Control |
CI | EdgeCounting | EdgeCounting | PauseTrigger() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建PauseTrigger任务对象。 | Constructor to create an PauseTrigger object. |
CI | EdgeCounting | EdgeCounting | Terminal | Property | 暂停触发的输入端口 | Pause Trigger Input Termina |
CI | EdgeCounting | EdgeCounting | ActivePolarity | Property | 暂停触发有效极性 | Pause trigger active polarity |
CI | FrequencyMeas | FrequencyMeas | FrequencyMeas() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建FrequencyMeas任务对象。 | Constructor to create an FrequencyMeas object. |
CI | FrequencyMeas | FrequencyMeas | Timebase | Property | 测量时基 | Measure time base. |
CI | FrequencyMeas | FrequencyMeas | InputTerminal | Property | 被测信号的输入端口 | Input Terminal of Signal to Measure |
CI | PeriodMeas | PeriodMeas | PeriodMeas() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建PeriodMeas任务对象。 | Constructor to create an PeriodMeas object. |
CI | PeriodMeas | PeriodMeas | Timebase | Property | 测量时基 | Measure time base. |
CI | PeriodMeas | PeriodMeas | InputTerminal | Property | 被测信号的输入端口 | Input Terminal of Signal to Measure |
CI | PulseMeas | PulseMeas | PulseMeas() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建PulseMeas任务对象。 | Constructor to create an PulseMeas object. |
CI | PulseMeas | PulseMeas | Timebase | Property | 测量时基 | Measure time base. |
CI | PulseMeas | PulseMeas | InputTerminal | Property | 被测信号的输入端口 | Input Terminal of Signal to Measure |
CI | TwoEdgeSeparation | TwoEdgeSeparation | TwoEdgeSeparation() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建TwoEdgeSeparation任务对象。 | Constructor to create an TwoEdgeSeparation object. |
CI | TwoEdgeSeparation | TwoEdgeSeparation | Timebase | Property | 测量时基 | Measure time base. |
CI | TwoEdgeSeparation | TwoEdgeSeparation | FirstInputTerminal | Property | 被测信号的输入端口 | Input Terminal of Signal to Measure |
CI | TwoEdgeSeparation | TwoEdgeSeparation | SecondInputTerminal | Property | 被测信号的输入端口 | Input Terminal of Signal to Measure |
CI | QuadEncoder | QuadEncoder | QuadEncoder() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建QuadEncoder任务对象。 | Constructor to create an QuadEncoder object. |
CI | QuadEncoder | QuadEncoder | EncodingType | Property | 编码类型,enum X1/X2/X4 | Encoding type enum X1/X2/X4 |
CI | QuadEncoder | QuadEncoder | ZReloadEnabled | Property | Z信号复位使能 | Z Signal reload enabled |
CI | QuadEncoder | QuadEncoder | InitialCount | Property | 计数器初始值。 | Counter initial value. |
CI | QuadEncoder | QuadEncoder | AInputTerminal | Property | 信号A的输入端口 | Input Terminal of Signal A |
CI | QuadEncoder | QuadEncoder | BInputTerminal | Property | 信号B的输入端口 | Input Terminal of Signal B |
CI | QuadEncoder | QuadEncoder | ZInputTerminal | Property | 信号Z的输入端口 | Input Terminal of Signal Z |
CI | TwoPulseEncoder | TwoPulseEncoder | TwoPulseEncoder() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建TwoPulseEncoder任务对象。 | Constructor to create anTwoPulseEncoder object. |
CI | TwoPulseEncoder | TwoPulseEncoder | InitialCount | Property | 计数器初始值。 | Counter initial value. |
CI | TwoPulseEncoder | TwoPulseEncoder | AInputTerminal | Property | 信号A的输入端口 | Input Terminal of Signal A |
CI | TwoPulseEncoder | TwoPulseEncoder | BInputTerminal | Property | 信号B的输入端口 | Input Terminal of Signal B |
CI | CITimebase | CITimebase | CITimebase() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建CITimebase任务对象。 | Constructor to create an CITimebase object. |
CI | CITimebase | CITimebase | Source | Property | 时基源 | timebase |
CI | CITimebase | CITimebase | External | Property | 外部时基配置 | External Timebase Configuration |
CI | CIExternalTimebase | CIExternalTimebase | CIExternalTimebase() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建CIExternalTimebase任务对象。 | Constructor to create an CIExternalTimebase object. |
CI | CIExternalTimebase | CIExternalTimebase | Terminal | Property | 外部时基的输入端口 | External Timebase Input Terminal |
CI | CIExternalTimebase | CIExternalTimebase | Frequency | Property | 外部时基的频率 | Frequency of The External Timebase |
CO | COTask | JYHardwareCOTask | JYHardwareCOTask(int slotNum, int channel) | Constructor | 构造函数。用来建立COTask类,slotNum板卡槽位号。硬件的唯一标志。channel,计数器编号 | Constructor. Used to create a counter output CO task object. |
CO | COTask | ApplyParam | ApplyParam() | Method | 实时更新DutyCycle及Frequency参数。 | Update DutyCycle and Frequency parameters in real time. |
CO | COTask | SendSoftwareTrigger | SendSoftwareTrigger() | Method | 产生一个软件触发信号 | Generate a software trigger. |
CO | COTask | Start | Start() | Method | 开始CO任务 | Start a CO task. |
CO | COTask | Stop | Stop() | Method | 停止CO任务 | Stop a CO task. |
CO | COTask | WriteSinglePoint | WriteSinglePoint(COPulse pulse) | Method | 写入单个点 | Write one point |
CO | COTask | WriteData | WriteData(COPulse[] pulsesGroup, int samplesToWrite, int timeout = 10000) | Method | 写入一组数据 | Write pulse parameters to be output to the buffer |
CO | COTask | WaitUntilDone | WaitUntilDone(int timeout = -1) | Method | 等待当前任务完成。参数 timeOut: timeOut=整数N,等待N毫秒,如果没有完成,报错,timeOut=-1, 等待直至完成。 | Waiting until current task to complete. Parameter timeout = -1, wait until done, other positive number N, wait N mS. If not done, a timeout error generate. |
CO | COTask | Clock | Clock | Property | CO时钟信号配置,可配置时钟源Interna/External和时钟有限边沿Rising/Falling | Configure CO Clock. |
CO | COTask | COTimeBase | TimeBase | Property | CO时基 | CO timebase. |
CO | COTask | Gate | Gate | Property | CO门信号配置,可配置门信号源Interna/External和门信号有限电平HighActive/LowActive | Configure CO Gate signal. |
CO | COTask | IdleState | IdleState | Property | 输出开始前和停止后的空闲状态 | Idle state when pulse output before start and after stop |
CO | COTask | InitialDelay | InitialDelay | Property | 输出脉冲的初始延迟, 以Tick为单位 | Initial CO output pulse delay in number of Ticks. |
CO | COTask | OutputTerminal | OutputTerminal | Property | 脉冲输出端口 | Pulse Output Terminal |
CO | COTask | Sync | Sync | Property | 同步参数配置 | Sync paraments set |
CO | COTask | JY5211Device | Device | Property | 设备属性配置 | Device property set |
CO | COTask | SamplesToUpdate | SamplesToUpdate | Property | 要写入到Buffer的Sample数 | The Sample number to be written to the buffer |
CO | COTask | AvailableBufferLength | AvailableBufferLength | Property | 板载缓冲区当前可写入的样点数(每通道) | The number of samples that can be written into the onboard buffer (per channel). |
CO | COTask | TransferedSamples | TransferedSamples | Property | 已从本地缓冲区传出的样点数(每通道) | The number of samples that have been transfered from the local buffer (per channel) |
CO | COTask | TransferedPulses | TransferedPulses | Property | 当前配置下已发送的脉冲的数量 | The number of pulses transfered under the current configuration |
CO | COTask | Mode | Mode | Property | CO输出模式 | CO Mode. |
CO | COTask | Pulse | Pulse | Property | 输出脉冲配置 | Configure CO Output pulse. |
CO | COTask | Trigger | Trigger | Property | CO触发参数配置 | Configure CO trigger. |
CO | COTimebase | COTimebase | COTimebase() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建COTimebase任务对象。 | Constructor to create an COTimebase object. |
CO | COTimebase | COTimebase | Source | Property | 时基源 | timebase |
CO | COTimebase | COTimebase | External | Property | 外部时基配置 | External Timebase Configuration |
CO | COExternalTimebase | COExternalTimebase | COExternalTimebase() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建COExternalTimebase任务对象。 | Constructor to create an COExternalTimebase object. |
CO | COExternalTimebase | COExternalTimebase | Terminal | Property | 外部时基的输入端口 | External Timebase Input Terminal |
CO | COExternalTimebase | COExternalTimebase | Frequency | Property | 外部时基的频率 | Frequency of The External Timebase |
CO | COPulse | COPulse | COPulse() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建COPulse任务对象。 | Constructor. Used to create a CO pulse task object. |
CO | COPulse | COPulse | Count | Property | 有限脉冲输出个数 | Pulse count in finite mode |
CO | COPulse | COPulse | DutyCycleFrequency | Property | 按占空比和频率设置脉冲属性。由两个部分组成。1,DutyCycle 输出脉冲的占空比; 2,Frequency 输出脉冲的频率。 | Configure CO output pulse according to its DutyCycle and Freqency. It has two parts. 1 DutyCycle; 2 Frequency. |
CO | COPulse | COPulse | InitialDelay | Property | 输出脉冲的初始延迟, 以Tick为单位 | Initial CO output pulse delay in number of Ticks. |
CO | COPulse | COPulse | Tick | Property | 使用Tick设置脉冲属性。由两个属性组成。1.High 脉冲高电平Tick; 2,Low 脉冲低电平Tick。 | Configure CO output pulse according to its high/low tick voltage level. It has two parts. 1: High Tick level; 2: Low Tick Level. |
CO | COPulse | COPulse | Time | Property | 使用高低电平时间设置脉冲属性。由两个属性组成。1.High 脉冲高电平时间; 2,Low 脉冲低电平时间。 | Configure CO output pulse according to duration of its high/low time voltage levels. It has two parts. 1 High voltage level; 2 Low voltage level. |
CO | COPulse | COPulse | Type | Property | 脉冲设置类型。enum DutyCycleFrequencyenum/HighLowTime/HighLowTick。 | set pulse type. enum DutyCycleFrequencyenum/HighLowTime/HighLowTick. |
CO | COPulse | COPulse | COPulse(COPulseType type, double param1, double param2, int count) | Method | 脉冲参数设置。 | Pulse paraments set |
CO | COTrigger | COTrigger | COTrigger() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建COTrigger任务对象。 | Constructor. Used to create a COTrigger task object. |
CO | COTrigger | COTrigger | Digital | Property | CO数字触发由两部分组成。1 Source:硬件相关 enum;2 Edge: enum Rising/Falling。 | COTrigger Digital property has two parts. 1 Source: hardware specific enum; and 2: Edge: enum Rising/Falling. |
CO | COTrigger | COTrigger | Type | Property | CO触发类型。enum :Immediate/Digital/Soft | COTrigger Type: enum Immediate/Digital/Soft. |
CO | CODigitalTrigger | CODigitalTrigger | CODigitalTriggerr() | Constructor | 构造函数。用来建立CODigitalalTrigger任务对象 | Constructor. Used to create CODigitalTrigger task object. |
CO | CODigitalTrigger | CODigitalTrigger | Edge | Property | 触发边沿。enum Rising/Falling。 | Edge of CO digital rigger. enum Falling/Rising. |
CO | CODigitalTrigger | CODigitalTrigger | Source | Property | 触发源。enum:PFI_0~PFI_15,PXITrigger0~7 | Source of CO digital rigger. Hardware specific enum. |
CO | DutyCycleFrequency | DutyCycleFrequency | DutyCycleFrequency() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建DutyCycleFrequency任务对象。 | Constructor. Used to create a DutyCycleFrequency task object. |
CO | DutyCycleFrequency | DutyCycleFrequency | DutyCycle | Property | 输出脉冲的占空比 | Dutycyle of CO output pulse. |
CO | DutyCycleFrequency | DutyCycleFrequency | Frequency | Property | 输出脉冲的频率 | Frequency of CO output pulse. |
CO | Time | Time | Time() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建Time任务对象。 | Constructor. Used to create CO's timebase task object. |
CO | Time | Time | High | Property | 输出脉冲的高电平时间 | High voltage duration of CO output pulse. |
CO | Time | Time | Low | Property | 输出脉冲的低电平时间 | Low voltage duration of CO output pulse. |
CO | Tick | Tick | Tick() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建Tick任务对象。 | Constructor. Used to create a CO Tick task object. |
CO | Tick | Tick | High | Property | 输出脉冲的高电平Tick数 | Number of high volage ticks of CO output puse. |
CO | Tick | Tick | Low | Property | 输出脉冲的低电平Tick数 | Number of low volage ticks of CO output puse. |
CO | COClock | COClock | COClock() | Constructor | 构造函数用来构造CO Clock任务对象 | Constructor. Used to create COClock task object. |
CO | COClock | COClock | Edge | Property | 时钟边沿属性。enum Rising/Falling。 | Active edge of Gate Signal. enum Rising/Falling |
CO | COClock | COClock | Souce | Property | 时钟源属性。enum External/Internal。 | Clock source. enum External/Internal. |
CO | COGate | COGate | COGate | Constructor | 构造函数用来构造CO Gate任务对象 | Constructor. Used to create COGate task object. |
CO | COGate | COGate | Polarity | Property | 门信号有效电平HighActive/LowActive | Active Level of Gate Signal. enum HighActive/LowActive |
CO | COGate | COGate | Source | Property | 门信号源External/Internal | Gate Signal Source.enum External/Internal. |
Device | Device | Device | Device() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建Device任务对象。 | Constructor to create an Device object. |
Device | Device | Device | ReferenceClock | Property | 参考时钟配置 | Reference Clock Configuration |
Device | ReferenceClock | ReferenceClock | ReferenceClock() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建ReferenceClock任务对象。 | Constructor to create an ReferenceClock object. |
Device | ReferenceClock | ReferenceClock | Source | Property | 参考时钟源 | Reference Clock Source |
Device | ReferenceClock | ReferenceClock | External | Property | 外部参考时钟源配置 | External Reference Clock Source |
Device | ExternalReferenceClock | ExternalReferenceClock | ExternalReferenceClock() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建ExternalReferenceClock任务对象。 | Constructor to create an ExternalReferenceClock object. |
Device | ExternalReferenceClock | ExternalReferenceClock | Terminal | Property | 外部参考时钟输入端口 | External Reference Clcok Input Terminal |
Device | ExternalReferenceClock | ExternalReferenceClock | Frequency | Property | 外部参考时钟频率 | Frequency of External Reference Clcok |
Device | Sync | Sync | Sync() | Constructor | 构造函数,创建Sync任务对象。 | Constructor to create an Sync object. |
Device | Sync | Sync | Topology | Property | 同步拓扑结构设置 | Sync Topology Configuration |
Device | Sync | Sync | TriggerRoutingTerminal | Property | 同步触发信号路由端口 | Sync trigger signal routing terminal |
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